Today, 12th April 2022, we met with representatives of the Federation of Citizenship Services of Trade Union Comisiones Obreras (CCOO).
The Joint Commission of the Collective Agreement of the Representatives sector which is made up of Asocelpa and the Federation of Services to the Citizenship of Comisiones Obreras, met following the proposal of the CCOO. They needed to reach an agreement to update by the 1st January 2022 the pay table and other concepts such as allowances, maintenance, value of days of personal affairs not used and levels of progression, based on the revaluation of public pensions produced since 2018.
It was also determined by the Commission that until a new collective agreement is established, the pay tables in force on the 31st of December of each year will be revalued with effect from 1st January of the following year following the same percentage as public pensions.
Both provisions had already been raised and approved unanimously at the General Assembly of the Association of Shipping Agents and Stevedores of Las Palmas, held on the 25th March.