about us

about us

a bit of asocelpa

Our origins go back to the year 1925, when ASOCELPA was created to bring together and defend the interests of Ship Agents and Ship Stevedores in the province of Las Palmas. Since the beginning of the 20th century, our mission has been aimed at the representation, management, defense and promotion of the common professional interests of our associated companies, seeking the improvement of port services.


During these almost 100 years, we have worked in the promotion and growth of the Canarian maritime sector through our Ports, advising and collaborating closely with our partners and international shipping companies. We have also analizated collective agreements, drafted port services, improved documentation and bureaucratic processes, participating in forums with economic and political institutions, improved bureaucracy and streamlining processes and services.


Asocelpa has strengthened between the institutions and the maritime world of the Canary Islands, the importance that the figure of the agent consignee and stevedore has as a business spearhead in the port. It is the consignee who seeks and attracts ship owners from all over the world and those who receive first-hand feedback from their shipowner clients.


In an international environment and in constant evolution, the maritime sector is in the process of transformation and modernization, where Asocelpa wishes to reinforce the strategic position of the Canary Islands, offering its associates high quality services as well as new opportunities for its growth and expansion.

a bit of asocelpa

Our origins go back to the year 1925, when ASOCELPA was created to bring together and defend the interests of Ship Agents and Ship Stevedores in the province of Las Palmas. Since the beginning of the 20th century, our mission has been aimed at the representation, management, defense and promotion of the common professional interests of our associated companies, seeking the improvement of port services.


During these almost 100 years, we have worked in the promotion and growth of the Canarian maritime sector through our Ports, advising and collaborating closely with our partners and international shipping companies. We have also negotiated collective agreements, drafted port services, improved documentation and bureaucratic processes, participating in forums with economic and political institutions, improved bureaucracy and streamlining processes and services.


Asocelpa has strengthened between the institutions and the maritime world of the Canary Islands, the importance that the figure of the agent consignee and stevedore has as a business spearhead in the port. It is the consignee and stevedore who seeks and attracts ship owners from all over the world and those who receive first-hand feedback from their shipowner clients.


In an international environment and in constant evolution, the maritime sector is in the process of transformation and modernization, where Asocelpa wishes to reinforce the strategic position of the Canary Islands, offering its associates high quality services as well as new opportunities for its growth and expansion.

"A historical association of great dynamism, cohesiveness, with modern management and which is a point of reference in the port, financial and social areas of the island. An Association taken into account in the main areas of decision that affect the environment in which the partners develop"


Board of Directors

Asocelpa is an organization with a centenary legacy, which its daily management faces with a dynamic, modern and competent administration, to serve its associates efficiently and agilely.

The values that guide the decisions and actions of all the members of the association and that serve as a source of inspiration and motivation are:

1.- Innovation and leadership

2.- Environmental responsibility

3.- Transparency and integrity in the management

4.- Team work

5.- Respect, commitment and loyalty

board of directors


Dña. Carmen Moreno Ojeda

MSC España S.L.U.

Vice President

D. Eduardo Álvarez Jubells

Albatros Inter Shipping S.L.U.


D. Federico López Aguiar

Maritima del Mediterraneo S.A.U.


D. Alejandro García-Reboredo Mendoza

A. Pérez y CÍA S.A.


D. Francisco Naranjo González

Gesport Atlantic S.L.


Dña. Gabriela Esquivel Martínez-Arroyo

Canarias Shipping S.L.


D. Gustavo Vidueira Fontes

J.A. Arocha S.L.U.


D. Héctor Perdomo Suárez

Andrés Perdomo S.L.

Secretaria General

Dña. Elena Vicente Stone


board of directors


Dña. Carmen Moreno Ojeda

MSC España S.A.

Vice president

D. Eduardo Álvarez Jubells

Albatros Tecnical Suppliers S.L.U.


D. Federico López Aguiar

Maritima del Mediterraneo S.A.U.


D. Alejandro García-Reboredo Mendoza

A. Pérez y CÍA S.A.


D. Francisco Naranjo González

Gesport Atlantic S.L.


Dña. Gabriela Esquivel Martínez-Arroyo

Canarias Shipping S.L.


D. Gustavo Vidueira Fontes

J.A. Arocha, S.L.U.


D. Héctor Perdomo Suárez

Andrés Perdomo S.L.

Secretary General

Dña. Elena Vicente Stone



Keep in touch with us

+34 928 466 263
