Balance of the current year and future forecast for the sector and the association.
The Board of Directors and its General Secretariat met to, among other issues, address the complex situation that the activity of national and international ports is supporting due to the impact of COVID-19.
Moreover, and related to the different port service specifications in the approval process, they also took care of the follow-up that is being carried out to, of the announced revision of the modification of the Consolidated Text of the Law on State Ports, the Merchant Marine and the Law of Maritime Navigation.
The agenda of matters to be channelled through ASECOB was finalized and the plans that regional, national and international public bodies are considering to reactivate cruise ship traffic were evaluated. The cruise season in the Canary Islands could resume at the end of this month, with passengers subjected to PCR tests in their places of origin and who will embark only on circuits between the islands.
We hope very soon, to be able to advance the details of the steps that Asocelpa continues to carry out for its partners and the port community.