Last Wednesday, November 16, we were elected among the members of the Executive Committee, during the Annual Assembly of the Spanish Association of Shipbrokers (ASECOB) that took place at the Ateneo de Madrid.
The Spanish Association of Ship Consignees (ASECOB) held its first Electoral Assembly after four years since its constitution, in which Julio Carrasco was re-elected president as the only candidate presented.
Also, ASECOB elected among its members a new organization chart of 14 members, including associations and companies. On the one hand, Álex Ferrandiz, from the Association of Consignees of Barcelona (ACVB); José Mª Salt, from the Association of Consignees of Ships and Port Companies of Castellón (ACEP); Paula Casais, from the Valencian Shipping Association (ANV) and Elena Vicente, Secretary General of our Association of Consignees and Stevedores of Ships of Las Palmas (Asocelpa), and on the part of companies, Ramiro Cobo, from A. Pérez y Cía.; Cristóbal Zaragoza, from Balearia; Montserrat Royo, from Bergé; Ignacio López-Bachiller, from Ceferino Nogueira; Ronald Twigt, from Erhardt; Alfonso de Riva, from Ership; Arturo Fernández, from Logística Suardiaz; Jordi Trius, from Noatum; Luis del Moral, from Rubine e Hijos; and Ignacio Gomá, from Transcoma. The vice presidents will be elected at the first meeting of the Executive Committee to be held in January 2023.
During the General Assembly event, the round table “Ports 4.0. Digitization projects in the shipping industry”, it became clear that digitization is one of the main challenges for
The panel discussion “Ports 4.0. Digitization projects in the shipping industry” revealed that digitization is one of the main challenges for shipping agents, who are currently facing a situation of “digital immaturity” in the shipping industry. All speakers agreed on the importance of data sharing and working within collaborative frameworks.
and of working within collaborative frameworks to streamline ship consignment operations, such as the Port Maritime Single Window (DUEPORT) and the European Single Window.
As a culmination, the awards ceremony for the II ASECOB Photography Contest and the recognition of the Society for Rescue and Maritime Safety (SASEMAR) took place.